acne adult care

Saturday, November 11

Acne Medications - Natural Adult Acne Treatments

By Danna Schneider

Adult acne - why must we suffer aging skin AND acne?

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Natural Acne Secrets Revealed.
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As a young woman who suffered through agonizing periods of merciless acne breakouts in the already angst-filled years of my young adulthood, I thought that once I became an "adult", I would no longer have to suffer the unbearable cycles of noticeable, painful cystic acne. I remember feeling like every zit on my face was the focal point in every conversation I had with people, and I swore that everyone had clearer skin than I did. Even a day with clear skin was like a rare treat to me, to be savored cautiously, as I knew it would never last, and a breakout was just waiting for it's next opportunity to strike.

Little did I know, that when I hit adulthood, my battles with acne were far from over. Even as I had my twenty-fifth birthday, I still had to battle that neverending cycle of clear skin, followed by periods of days or even weeks where my skin would inexplicably erupt into a maze of strategically placed blemishes, mostly on the chin area, forehead, and around the nose. I still found myself searching for the latest acne products and treatments at drugstores, all of which didn't work at all. They merely dried my skin and made it look worse by adding redness and chafing to my growing list of skin problems.

There are many other adults that are finding they still have to fight the battle with acne - now coined "adult acne". Why is it, that even beyond our adolescent years of hormonal turmoil, we are finding that we must battle a new enemy, the formidable adult acne that we thought we might be fortunate enough to escape since we paid our dues in our teenage years. It is estimated that more than fifty percent of adult women between the ages of twenty-five and fifty-eight have some type of adult acne, and those numbers are only getting larger.

So what do the experts have to say about the cause of adult acne? Hormonal fluctuations are the most common cause of adult acne, followed by stress, which in itself actually triggers hormonal imbalances, especially in women. So basically, any way you cut it, adult acne is primarily caused by hormonal shifts and fluctuations, many times caused by stress, but also caused by diet, lifestyle changes, birth control pills, medications, and so many other circumstances.

Some good lifestyle rules to stick to for clear skin are pretty much common sense, but nonetheless are worth repeating. Eating a balanced diet, with adequate protein, little or no refined sugar products (which cause hormones to spike up and down rapidly), and plenty of skin-nourishing fruits and vegetables is an absolute must for clear, healthy skin. I notice that after even one day of a refined sugar binge, I may wake up to a puffy, red and sometimes slightly broken out face. This is proof that you are what you eat - especially when it comes to your skin.

Second, try to diminish stress levels by taking walks, getting cardiovascular exercise of some sort, or practicing relaxation techniques in the form of yoga, meditation, or tai-chi. It sound trivial, but stress levels and how you allow yourself to be affected by daily stress, really reflects in your skin's appearance.

Third, you really should consider giving a natural acne treatment a try. When all else failed, and it was clear that nothing else would work to permanently clear my skin, or at least get the ball rolling to even my hormone levels out and purify my skin from the inside of my body, I tried a natural acne remedy that I am forever grateful for. I still have clear skin today, and get compliments on how good it looks, at age 30. After years of taking prescription acne medications like tetracycline, Retin-A and erythromycin, I was finally able to clear my skin permanently -and at a fraction of the cost of constant dermatologist consultations and repeated prescription refills.

These new, advanced acne treatments really offer you what no prescription antibiotic can in that they are completely safe, contain all natural botanicals that purify the skin from the inside out, and in many cases, can clear your skin permanently with very little follow up treatment if you take them as prescribed and for a long enough period to have lasting effects.

You owe it to yourself to try a natural acne remedy. There are just too many great acne products out there that will get the job done better than anything a dermatologist can prescribe!

Danna Schneider is the webmaster and founder of Skin Care Product Reviews and Comparisons. Visit Acuzine Natural Acne Pill Reviews for information on and advanced natural acne medication for adults and adolescents

Friday, November 10

Acne Prevention Tips

Acne is one of the most prevalent chronic skin conditions in the world. It is an indiscriminate condition, striking millions of people from all walks of life, all over the world.

There are many causes for acne, diet, the environment, and even heredity can be a major factor. Additional studies have indicated that excess hormones in the sebaceous glands may actually be the main cause of acne.

To those who suffer from acne, its impact can be overwhelming. Acne brings with it the discomfort of having to face people on a day-to-day basis. The stress of having acne can greatly reduce the self-esteem of those who suffer from it. Skin experts realizing these problems, have developed some guidelines for acne prevention.

The number one rule is never to try squeezing, or picking the lesions that the acne causes. This is important because when you squeeze, or pick the lesion, it may cause scarring, or even the spread of acne to other locations on the face or body.

The simplest acne prevention guideline is to be sure to wash your face with mild, or sulfur soap, a minimum of twice a day. When doing so, it is important to remember not to scrub your face hard, but to use a gentle circular motion and to pat your face dry with a soft towel. Taking a little time to protect yourself with acne prevention guidelines will go a long way in helping you to control your acne.

Being sure to avoid skin products that have an oil base will also assist in preventing an outbreak of acne. If you wear make-up, make certain to purchase make up that will not clog your pores. This may cost a little more, but you will be happy with the acne prevention offered by this care.

Another acne prevention suggestion is to avoid the airborne grease most commonly found in fast food restaurants. Do you or your teenager play sports? The friction caused by the rubbing that occurs when wearing sports equipment can cause an onset of acne. It is recommended for acne prevention that you do everything you can to minimize any rubbing or friction caused by your sports equipment.

Some experts believe that a strong program of acne prevention, given time to work, may be all that is necessary to clear up mild cases of acne. While this may work, it could take months, or even up to a year to work. Generally speaking, no one wants to wait that long.

An acne prevention specialist can recommend nonprescription medications, and topical creams to help with your efforts. Most of these products will contain Benzoyl Peroxide, which works effectively as an acne prevention agent.

These types of acne prevention medications are found in just about all pharmacies, and even some grocery stores. Benzoyl Peroxide, with strong antibacterial properties, is the active ingredient in the great majority of these products, and has been proven effective for reducing or eliminating acne-causing bacteria.

Salicylic acid is another effective ingredient to look for when trying to find an acne prevention medication. This ingredient will reduce or even eliminate the shedding of skin that often accompanies an acne problem.

There are many different acne prevention medications on the market today that have been developed to stop the growth of acne causing bacteria. Not all are without risk of side effects. Some are so strong that they can have serious side effects.

Accutane is one of them and is only prescribed for acne prevention if nothing else works. Accutane can have some serious side effects including red, dry, irritated skin and in extreme cases, birth defects.

So, be smart about your acne prevention program. Speak with a dermatologist when selecting any acne medications.

Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internet's most popular topics.

Natural Acne Secrets Revealed.
Natural remedies for acne sufferers.

To read more on this topic, please visit Acne Information & Resources!

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Monday, November 6

Acne: True Causes--True Solutions

Although calling it a disease would be a stretch, acne is one of the most expensive afflictions affecting mankind today. Estimated to torment more than 80% of teenagers and young adults, the US market for anti-acne prescription medicine is over (US)$1.6 billion dollars annually.

Acne frequently causes hurt, embarrassment and emotional pain for millions worldwide. People who suffer from acne often experience low self-esteem that can effect performance in school and earnings on a job.

Acne is a very misunderstood condition often treated topically and superficially with creams, lotions and pills that attempt to suppress the effect, which is acne, of the root cause, toxicity.

The skin is the largest organ of the human body and as such is the leading barometer for its level of toxicity. Acne is an extreme toxic condition, nothing more--nothing less.

When a toxic substance enters the body and is too damaging to be processed through the liver, the body excretes it through this organ called the skin, preventing it from traveling through the rest of the body potentially causing damage to other organs.

The human body is an organism whose cells have great intelligence. In addition to controlling all of its bodily functions, it is also conditioned to protect itself.

I’m sure you’ve noticed a lot of pregnant women with pimples. During pregnancy this protection mechanism goes into high gear and in addition to morning sickness many women get acne. Have you ever wondered why babies and young children don’t have acne?

Acne-causing toxins get into the body through the food and beverages we consume on a daily basis. Although many governments have food safety laws and mechanisms in place to protect the public, the majority of these laws concern themselves with bacterial contamination.

The preponderance of acne conditions are caused by two organisms Leishmaina and Ascaris. Most people are infected with these parasites by eating food contaminated with them, their eggs and/or parasite stages.

The few regulations regarding parasite infestation are restricted to the processing and preparation of meat, dairy products and municipal water. No testing, cautions or education exist for the public benefit, with regard to the existence of parasite organisms in any other food or beverage group.

The majority of health professionals are under the mistaken impression that parasite infestation is a phenomenon that only occurs in undeveloped and third world countries. Without making informed and conscious choices about the food you buy or how you store and prepare it, you are eating your way to massive toxicity.

This problem is further magnified by our modern diet that consists of very little dietary roughage. This lack of bulk slows down the transition of food through the body, allowing much that is consumed to decay before it can be completely digested, creating a condition that allows parasites to thrive.

Like humans, all living organisms eat and excrete wastes. Parasites are no exception and the boils and pimples that we call acne, are a result of the body trying to rid itself of the parasite wastes that build-up in the body. It’s a gross and vicious cycle.

The skin is one of the safest and fastest self-repairing organs that the body can use to rid itself of potentially harmful toxins. Suppressing this protective function, forces these toxins into other parts of the body where they may cause damage or not be as easily removed.

Fortunately, all is not lost. With the right information you can kill a present parasite infestation, remove the toxic wastes and prevent future infestation by eating clean food. A four-step process for combating parasites and controlling acne is outlined at our website. Follow the link below to learn more.

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